Auto Services
Auto Repair + Maintenance
Werks Automotive offers complete car repair services for all foreign and domestic models. We are known nationally for our work on Porsche sports cars and European performance models. Our team of continually trained ASE certified technicians will walk you through the repair process and provide honest service that exceeds expectations.
Foreign Vehicles
Domestic Vehicles
Basic Checkups
Automotive service starts with check-ups and diagnostics. Our expert team understands your car and can diagnose issues before they become major problems. We carefully document any potential problems and work with you to help you decide between critical and optional repairs.
Advanced Repairs
Your car may require more complex automotive repair to major systems such as engines, transmissions, fueling and climate systems. Our team will outline all of the necessary repairs, provide a detailed guaranteed estimate and work together with your to help you choose the best options.
Test Drives
Once your car repairs have been completed, we conduct quality control and take your vehicle for a test drive to verify everything is working properly. Our service desk will then go over each completed repair with you and answer any questions you may have.
Werks Automotive, formerly Courtney Truck Service, is continuing a long history of providing high quality car repair services to the upper Midwest.
Auto Repair Services
- High performance tuning
- Wheels and tires
- Alignment
- Transmission
- Engine
- Heat and AC
- Brakes
- Drivetrain
- Oil Changes
- Suspension
- Electrical